Saturday, August 2, 2008

VoIP or Voice-over-Internet is a technology that allows you to make voice phone calls over the Internet. It's through the use of a broadband Internet connection that allows you to do this. Some companies and their equipment only offer you the service of calling others with the same VoIP while other companies allow you to call anyone, anywhere with a phone number, it doesn't matter what service provider they have.

Your voice is converted into a digital signal and is carried over the Internet with VoIP technology. If you are calling someone who has a regular telephone, then the signal is converted to a telephone signal before it reaches its target. You may use a special adapter connected to a phone using VoIP to make your phone call, a regular phone or the computer. Furthermore, there are what's known as 'hot spots' where you can use wireless Internet connections with VoIP to connect wirelessly to make phone calls while you are at the airport, business meetings or a café downtown. You might have to have a special connector on your wireless phone to be able to make these calls, check with your provider.

In order for the VoIP to work you will need a broadband - high speed Internet connection. This can be through a regular cable modem, local Internet provider or a high speed DSL carrier. You will also need a computer, an adaptor or a specialized phone in order to hook up to VoIP. Some VoIP services only work over the computer and not with a telephone, so if you are going to use your computer to make the phone calls, an inexpensive microphone and special software - which you can obtain from the provider - will do. Other providers of VoIP services will supply you with a VoIP adapter in which you plug into the computer and also into a regular phone so that you can dial just like always.

Check with your provider before purchasing service with them. Some providers only allow you to call other people with the same VoIP or similar services. You will not be able to call everyone you know if they are using a regular telephone company. Many other companies have it set up where you can call anyone, anywhere, even if they do not have a VoIP set up. You will have to check with the provider of your services about long distance charges, because sometimes there is going to be a charge for long distance usage.

One of the disadvantages of using a VoIP only telephone connection is that you may not be able to dial or connect with 9-1-1 emergency services operators. You will want to check with the VoIP provider before signing up to make sure they can offer you the 9-1-1 emergency services connection. If they do offer the 9-1-1 emergency services, the calls are handled a little differently and you may experience some minor wait time before your call is connected to the emergency services operator.